Temecula, CA
The Best Honey Nature Has to Offer!
Raw, Local Honey Made From Rescued Bees
(951) 331-8827
Temecula, CA

Study Session I

CAMBP 2022 Study Session I

May 18, 2022

Natural history, Honey Bee anatomy and biology.

Apprentice Study Questions

By: John Winzler and Jeannine Kaprelian

  • SAM = The Beekeepers Handbook, 4th edition, Sammataro and Avitabile
  • Del = First lessons in Beekeeping, Keith Delaplane
  • DC  = Honey Bee Biology and Beekeeping; Dewey Caron and Lawrence Connor, 1st. Edition
  • Syl  = Apprentice Syllabus
  • AAS = Apprentice Assistant Syllabus
  • ASM = Apiary Safety Manual


  1. Besides the genus and species,  our  honey bees have also been referred to as:
    • White man’s fly
    • European honey bee
    • Western Honey bee
    • Eastern honey bee

 DC p. 28

  1. The taxonomic name for the honey bee is apis mellifera.

DC p. 21

  1. Relative to question #2, is “Apis” the species name or the genus name? GENUS
          Del p.1
  1. The taxonomic name for the Western honey bee is often written as “Apis mellifera L.”.  What does the “L” stand for?   

Carolus Linnaeus, the 18th century taxonomist who named the who named the western honey bee.     

Del p. 1

  1. Apis mellifera mellifera, commonly known as the GERMAN BLACK BEE, had a couple of draw backs. These included THEY STING A LOT  and WERE PRONE TO DISEASES LIKE AMERICAN FOUL BROOD.

DC p.29; Del p.2

  1. T / F   the Apis mellifera species can be further subdivided into at least _____________ recognized subspecies, races, or locally derived biotypes.

Del p. 2

  1. Worldwide, how many recognized bee species are there? _________ How many bee species are native to North America?_______________ How many bee species are native to California?__________________.
  1. The first species of bee imported into North America was ________________________ and it was imported for the English Colony of ___________________________.

DC p. 29

  1. T / F :    Most bee species are solitary.
  1. The natural range for bees in the genus Apis is: ___________________________________.

Del p. 2

  1. If Apis mellifera is the Western honey bee, what is the genus and species of the Eastern honey bee?

DC p. 27

  1. What kind of social organization describes honey bees: EUSOCIAL

DC pgs. 37 41

  1. Which of the following statements is true about Drones:
  • They have no father
  • They have a grandfather
  • They can be fathers to daughters, grand-daughters
  • They can’t have sons

14. Explain Trophallaxis.

A. DC p. 104

  1. The taxonomic name for the German black bee is APIS MELLIFERA MELLIFERA  and it was brought initially to North America in 1622.

Sam p 5

  1. Which bee species was imported into North America to replace the German Black Bee and when did this occur?

Sam p. 5

  1. The most common widely distributed race of honey bee in the Western Hemisphere is _____________________.

DC p.30

  1. Explain the difference between race and species.

DC p. 28

  1. T / F:   In 2022, the widespread importation of live honey bees into the USA continues to provide an excellent source for diversity in the honey bees genetics.
  1. Define Parthenogensis:

DC p. 49

21.  List the five (5) major subspecies (genus and species and subspecies)  of honey bees that can be found in North America.

DC pgs. 28 – 31

        22.  T / F:        All  the sperm created by an individual Drone are identical

       23. In terms of fire awareness, the 3 legs of the The Fire Triangle refer to:




ASM p.37      

24. T / F: Drones can produce Clones

25.  Following mating, the queen initially stores sperm in the:

  • Ovaries
  • Ovarioles
  • Spermatheca
  • Ovuoles
  • Ovarian ducts

Sam p. 17

26. Of the following adult honey bees, which bees have an ovary?

  • Queens
  • Workers
  • Laying Workers

27.  To carry liquids from the source to the hive, workers carry the liquid in their:

  • Proventriculus
  • Ventriculus
  • Crop
  • Mid-gut

28. Which of the following is true relative to the honey bee circulatory system:

  • Honey bees have a closed circulatory system similar to mammalian circulatory  systems
  • Honey bees have a dorsal aorta that pumps “blood” in a closed system
  • Insect “blood” is called hemolymph
  • Insect “blood” carries nutrients, hormones and “blood cells” throughout the bees body
  • Honey bees have an open circulatory system
  • The dorsal aorta directly delivers blood only to the head region.

DC p. 69

29.  After successfully mating, the queen, on average, will store how many sperm?

Syl p. 12

30.  Regarding Fire extinguishers, which of the following is true:

  • Type A extinguishers are the best overall extinguisher for all types of fires
  • For the apiary, a water type extinguisher is the best choice.
  • You should always aim the extinguisher at the top of the flames
  • Dry chemical extinguishers are effective against almost all types of fires

       ASF p. 42

31.  Match the words or statements in Column A with the words or statements in Column B

Note: some might not match

Column A                                                Column B                                                                                                 

  1. Exocrine Glands                               a.  Secrete hormones
  1. Royal Jelly                                         b. Spermatheca
  1. Holometabolus                                  c. Haploidy-Diploidy
  1. Parthenogensis                                  d. Apis florea
  1. Giant Honey Bee                                e. Fomite
  1. Sperm storage organ                          f.  Apis dorsata
  1. An Object carrying disease                e.  Complete metamorphosis
  1. Endocrine glands                                 f. Secrete phermones
  1. Heterometabolous                                g. Incomplete metamorphosis
  1. Smallest honey bee species                h. submandibular gland secretion  

32. Trophallaxis is an example of which type of pathogenic invasion?

Syl p. 17

33. All of the following are examples of social immunity, except

  • Self-medication
  • Self – removal
  • Social fever
  • Caste related immunity

          A. Syl p. 18

34. When using a fire extinguisher, the acronym P.A.S.S. stands for _______________________.

ASM p. 42

35. Although highly variable, on average a queen will mate with how many drones?

Syl p. 12

36.  A honey bee colony will rear a new queen under which circumstances.

        A. Syl p. 11

37.  Unfertilized eggs are laid by which bees:






 A. SAM p. 19

38.  Age based poly-ethism refers to_________________________________

39. Describe / List several differences between a queen and worker bee.

                        A. Syl p.

40. How many ovarioles does a worker bee have compared to a queen?

                        A. Syl p. 9

41. Which body segment is primarily involved with locomotion?

                        A. Syl p. 16

42. Honey bees have what kind of immunity?

  • innate and antibiotic immunogloblins
  • acquired and adaptive immunity
  • innate and acquired immunity
  • innate and adaptive immunity

                        A. Syl p. 17

43. Which of the following stage or caste has the greatest resistance to pathogens:

  • Foraging workers
  • Larva because they are young and vigorous and growing rapidly
  • Drones
  • House bees

                    A. Syl p. 18

44. Propolis is an example of self medication and social immunity. Which of the following is true about Propolis:

  • It is collected by honey bees from plants and tree resins.
  • Is only effective during spring time when trees and plants are in bloom.
  • Is a product of the hive with antimicrobial property.
  • Propolis is  not collected by honey bees at all.
  • Is made from collected resins, wax and other substances by worker bees.

                                Sam p. 185

45. T/F:  Pheromones are secretions from the honey bees endocrine glands and function as a means of communication.

                                SAM p. 250

46. Honey bees can forage up to 5 miles in search of nectar, pollen and water. Explain which type of dance code a forager would use to direct her sisters to a rich resource 5 miles away.

                                Syl. P15; DC pgs. 87 – 92

47.  T/F: Different races of bees use different dialects of the dance language.

                               DC p. 91

48. What are spiracles; what are they used for and where are they located?

                               DC p. 71

49. Name the scientist who discovered the honey bees dance language.

                                Syl p. 15


50.  T/F:  All honey bee eggs, whether it will become a drone, queen or worker bee, hatch in 3 days.

DC p. 54

51.  Which of the following is a correct statement about the abdomen:

  • The abdomen lacks external attachments
  • The abdominal segments consist of overlapping top and bottom plates
  • The upper overlapping plates are called sternites.
  • The lower overlapping plates are called tergites

        c. abdominal spiracles are paired and part of the respiratory system

                                A. DC p. 65

52. The honey stomach is separated from the ventriculus by a muscular valve called the ______________.

                                A. DC p. 67

53.  Which locomotory appendages are found in the thorax.

                                A. Del p. 13

 54. Which of the following is a correct statement:

  • Larva are stationary and do not move
  • A Larva destined to become a worker will spend 6 days in the larval phase
  • When feeding a larva, nurse bees place “food” into  the open cell and the larva moves toward to feed
  • A developing queen will spend the shortest amount of time in the larval stage.

                                A. DC p. 54

55. The form of immunity that is a general,  immediate and intrinsic is called ___________________.

56. Brood produced pheromones  can have which of the following effects:

  • communicates that the larvae are hungry and stimulates their feeding
  • communicates state of development that leads to cell capping
  • helps prevent development of laying workers
  • helps maintain queen substance

                                Syl p. 15

57. House bees typically begin making wax when they are how old?

                                Syl p. 10

Holometabolism, also called complete metamorphosis, is a form of insect development which includes four life stages: egg, larva, pupa, and imago (or adult). Know how long each stage is egg (6), larvae(6), pupa (12), adult   Homometabolism: learn this DRONE CONGREGATION AREA – DCA QUEEN CAN MATE WITH UP TO 70 DRONES ON A MATING FLIGHT MATING SIGN – ATTENDENTS PULL THAT OUT QUEEN CAN STORE 4 – 8 MILLION SPERM ONE WEEK AFTER MATING, OVARIES AND PHEREMONES DEVELOP AND QUEEN STARTS LAYING QUEEN MUST MATE ON CONSECUTIVE DAYS QUEEN GETS FED ROYAL JELLY (ROYALACTIN) – NOT FED PLANT COMPOUNDS (FLAVINOIDS) MASS PROVISIONING (FEED ALL LARVAE) – SELECTIVE PROVISIONING (FEED QUEEN) INSTAR – PHASES BETWEEN MOLTS APOPTOSIS: the death of cells which occurs as a normal and controlled part of an organism’s growth or development. TRACHEAL NET – TRANSFERS OXYGEN