Temecula, CA
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Temecula, CA
Common Mistakes Made by First Year Beekeepers

Common Mistakes Made by First Year Beekeepers

The first year of beekeeping can be very exciting and fun but often times it can lead to a huge disappointment because the bees died or absconded.  That’s excactly what happened to me.  There is so much to learn, it’s often overwhelming and it’s easy to overlook things that seem more complex such as treating for varroa mites.  Below are a few tips that will help you be successful your first year as a beekeepe

Treat for Varroa Mites

You must treat for varroa mites!  Varroa mites are the #1 cause of colony loss.  Varroa mites carry the deformed wing virus which is deadly to bees.  A high mite load in the colony can cause the colony to abscond (leave the hive) or die.  Use the Varroa Management Decision Tool created by the Honey Bee Health Coaliltion to help you choose the right type of mite treatment.

Keep Ants Out of Your Hives

Ant control is often overlooked by beginning beekeepers and can lead to the bees absconding (leaving the hive). Strong colonies can usually manage ants but a weaker colony may become overwhelmed. There are many options for ant control – some more effective than others. Some not so effective treatments in my opinion are sprinkling cinammon or diatomacious earth on the ground under the hives. Much more effective are oil barriers. You can put the legs of your hive stand in cans filled with oil or you can spread tanglefoot at the base of the hive stand. I use a product I found on Ebay called Beehive/Pet food Ant Barrier. I use them on all my hives. They work great!

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ant barrier

Prevent Robbing

ant barrier

During times where food is scarce, bees from other colonies can rob the honey from neighboring colonies. Robbers can wipe out a colony in a matter of minutes. Using robbing screens will greatly reduce the chances your colony will be robbed. You can make your own robbing screens or buy them – my favorite is the Bee Smart Robbing Screen.

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