Honey bee foragers are adult female bees that are responsible for finding and collecting food for the hive. They are typically older bees that have completed their larval development and have become specialized in foraging for nectar, pollen, and other...
Nosema is a type of microsporidian fungus that infects the intestines of bees and can cause a disease called nosemosis. The fungus is transmitted from bee to bee through feces, and it can also be transmitted through contaminated pollen or...
Importance of a Winter Upper Entrance
I have written about this many times, but people “forget”, “Daddy didn’t have it”, and some new beeHAVERS have not heard it before; so here it is again. Frankly, I am tired of hearing all this CRAP about a hard,...
Apiguard is a product used to control varroa mites in honey bee colonies. According to Randy Oliver of, it is best used in August as it supresses brood rearing. Apiguard requires two treatments ten days apart and is most...